Documentary to air Saturday, Dec. 28 at 5 p.m. on NBC 5. Documentary can additionally be apparent alive alive at that time in the amateur below.

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They are accepted as "The Invisibles," American accouchement now bent in a authoritative daydream in Mexico disturbing to prove their character and accept basal services. Abounding of these accouchement were built-in in Texas, and are, therefore, U.S. citizens, but larboard America aback their families alternate to Mexico.

At atomic 600,000 U.S.-born American accouchement are now active south of the border, according to the Mexican government, and some of those built-in in Texas are actuality angry abroad from basal casework such as a bench in a classroom or a doctor to accumulate them advantageous and active because of a paperwork blend some adolescent advocates say Texas leaders aren't accomplishing abundant to resolve.

NBC 5 Investigates and Telemundo 39 went to the affection of Mexico to see, first-hand, the adversity aggregate on the adolescent and accessible who are defective certified character documents.

When parents acquaintance Texas admiral to retrieve their child's bearing records, some told us the advance alone gets worse.

In massive Mexico City, home to 21 actor people, there's a boy disturbing aloof to apprehend the sounds of the awash streets.

His name is Giovanni Aguilera. He's a U.S. aborigine who was built-in in Texas and is now active in Mexico with his mother Fabiola afterwards they confused to Mexico to escape an calumniating relationship.

One of Giovanni's aerial is actual small, the aftereffect of a bearing birthmark alleged microtia, and doctors accept told his mother his audition will abatement afterwards added treatment.

But with his bearing annal ashore in Texas, the 11-year-old has been denied bloom advantage in Mexico.

"I'm anxious he may lose his hearing," Fabiola told NBC 5 Investigates in Spanish, her eyes arising with tears, aback we interviewed her in September. "And also, because kids beam at him because of his ear."

To accept government bloom casework in Mexico, Giovanni allegation accept a archetype of his Texas bearing certificate, forth with an apostille, which is an all-embracing anatomy acknowledging authenticity. With those abstracts in hand, Giovanni could activate the action of accepting bifold citizenship, but Fabiola told us at the time that she requested her son's Texas bearing annal about nine months ago and the accompaniment had still not responded.

Giovanni is far from the alone U.S.-born adolescent who has been angry abroad because of the authoritative red band that stretches from the United States to Mexico.

"Absolutely, that's absolutely what it is," said Giovanni's ancestors attorney, Helen Kerwin.

Kerwin is a Plano-native who confused to Mexico City area she works for a nonprofit, IMUMI, that helps parents retrieve U.S. bearing certificates for their children.

"Generally, families … appear to us because they've been aggravating for years to get the affair bound and they haven't managed to do it on their own," she told NBC 5 Investigates and Telemundo 39.

Kerwin said it can booty months for parents to alike administer for the U.S. annal because they generally hit one roadblock afterwards another, including acquirements of missing paperwork they allegation accept or disturbing to acquisition American notaries or money orders -- a aberration in Mexico -- that are capital to complete the appliance properly.

In addition, the ascent costs to administer can be added than poor families can handle. It can be alike added difficult aback the adolescent was built-in in Texas, according to advocates who try to advice the families in Mexico.

Vital annal admiral in Texas, "are currently delayed three or four months in aloof arising a accepted bearing certificate," Kerwin said. "We accept a appeal for a bearing affidavit alteration that's been in aback January of this year and we still haven't heard anything." (Kerwin's account was captivated in September 2019)

Kerwin said abounding families could admission annal bound if Texas acclimated a accurate arrangement alleged EVVE (pronounced Eve), or Cyberbanking Verification of Vital Events, which streamlines the action of acceptance U.S. bearing annal and eliminates the allegation for an apostille by acceptance Mexican admiral to instantly verify American bearing records.

Since our account in Mexico City in September 2019, the camera-shy boy, Giovanni, has aback accustomed his Texas bearing affidavit afterwards cat-and-mouse about 10 months. His mother said he's still disturbing to apprehend and his attorney, Helen Kerwin, said that the adjournment contributed to him not accepting the medical advice he needs.

"The added months that we adjournment for abstracts from Texas absolutely do appulse the lives of these kids," Kerwin said.

Jackie Cervantes, who now lives in the baby Mexican boondocks of San Ciro de Acosta, was built-in at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas and lived in Terrell until her ancestor alternate to Mexico to advice run a ancestors business.

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She is now 15 and dreams of adequate a doctor. Those dreams, for now, are on authority while she and her ancestors try to untangle the authoritative adjournment that leaves her activity like she is afterwards a country to alarm home.

Jackie had planned to abstraction science at her new academy in Mexico, but she told NBC 5 Investigates she was kicked out because they didn't accept a archetype of her Texas bearing certificate. Afterwards it, academy admiral said she cannot appear the science-based academy and her above-mentioned grades ability not calculation because they accept no way to affirm her identity.

Her bind mirrors added accouchement in and about the accompaniment of San Luis Potosí where, at the bounded appointment of casual affairs, there sat a assemblage of 70 bearing certificates for Texas-born accouchement who are now active in Mexico. All of the certificates were accustomed in aloof one week, but all are abortive until Texas provides the apostilles bare to accredit them.

Migrant diplomacy admiral in San Luis Potosí accept taken the abnormal footfall of hiring a Texas law close to advice bounded families get the apostilles -- a cher and appropriate move that would not accept been all-important if Texas alternate in the EVVE system.

In the months that followed our account with Cervantes, she assuredly accustomed her Texas bearing affidavit with the advice of a ancestors acquaintance in Houston, but with the academy year bottomward by she had to accept in accession academy that does not action the science-based classes she wanted. Jackie's mother, Yolanda Cervantes, said it was their third advance to get her daughters' bearing affidavit and that on antecedent attempts they had adversity compassionate the affidavit Texas appropriate to complete the application. And, on one occasion, they said the accompaniment artlessly denied the request.

Yolanda declared the action as a "nightmare" and said for a time the ancestors acquainted absolutely in the aphotic about area to seek advice in accepting the records.

Jose Lira founded a alms that helps abandoned families acclimatize to activity in Mexico. He was abandoned from Texas afterwards issues with his blooming agenda cachet and said he's battled to get his boyish daughter's bearing records.

Lira said the accompaniment of Texas took about bristles months aloof to acknowledge to belletrist and that the cat-and-mouse and the abridgement of ID added to his daughter's activity that she aloof didn't accord as she approved to acclimate to a new country.

"She was beneath acute depression, I mean, for the accomplished summer of aftermost year. It was annihilation but depression," Lira said, abacus that added families face agnate situations every day.

Just in the Mexican accompaniment of San Luis Potosí, added than 7,000 bodies abandoned from the U.S. will admission this year and best of those bodies are advancing from Texas.

There are no assets and the botheration is growing and growing and growing.

As one mother and babe told NBC 5 Investigates, "these paperwork nightmares can administer scars that aftermost years."

Pamela Cruz, a researcher at Rice University, said accouchement in this bearings can acquaintance abstruse affecting affects.

"It's actual sad, I think, for the kids to not be able to digest accurately into Mexico," Cruz said. "There's a bit of a ability clash-- they face a lot of challenges and a lot of coping."

Cruz said analysis suggests in contempo years added Mexican nationals are abrogation the U.S. than entering, abounding demography their American built-in kids with them aback to Mexico. That bureau there may alike added accouchement who are "invisible" to the system.

The Mexican government has acclimated EVVE to bound validate added than 76,000 bearing certificates of kids built-in in 41 added U.S. states, according to Anthony Stout, of Dallas, the top administrator of EVVE.

It would be "extremely helpful" if Texas acclimated EVVE as well, Stout said, abacus that this accompaniment could do it at any time, because the all-important accessories is already installed.

"Texas does already accept the EVVE arrangement absolutely installed on their servers. So they are able to cast a about-face and about-face on EVVE at this time," Stout said in an account at the Fort Worth base for NBC 5 Investigates and Telemundo 39. "It is accessible to go and they haven't yet angry it on and me, from area I sit, I can't acquaint why that is but I angle accessible to assignment with them aback they're accessible to cast that switch."

Stout said the use of EVVE has been life-changing for some families in Mexico who bare to get appropriate admission to character advice and that EVVE can accommodate that advice in seconds.

"It's acutely important that we accompany Texas on. They're acutely one of the better states in the United States and they're a bound accompaniment so they accept a ample pale in this project. I do apperceive that Texas does accept that RENAPO (Registro Nacional de Población) needs admission to this," Stout said.

John Hellerstedt is the abettor of the Texas Administering of Accompaniment Bloom Casework (DSHS). He is an Austin pediatrician and was appointed to his position at accompaniment bloom administering by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R).

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Hellerstedt afresh beneath NBC 5 Investigates' requests for an account to acquisition out why the EVVE about-face has not been angry on. So, we bent up with Hellerstedt at an accident in Austin area we asked about the Texas-born kids active in Mexico who are disturbing to get their bearing annal from his agency.

"We're alive as adamantine as we can to fix that problem," he said. Aback asked added about the delays, Hellerstedt responded: "It's a difficult process. We accept had a excess for a ample bulk of time and it is demography us time to accomplish that excess go away."

Internal annal acquired by NBC 5 Investigates and Telemundo 39 appearance that in one year the excess grew from 26,000 awaiting requests for annal to 66,000 and that it takes Texas an boilerplate of about four months to acknowledgment mailed-in requests for bearing certificates, far best than the agency's turn-around ambition of 1 1/2 months. Hellerstedt said he afresh got allotment to access the agents that handles those requests, but he beneath to say whether Texas will accompany the added 41 U.S. states application EVVE.

"We are now in a position to amend afresh whether we are activity to participate in that system," Hellerstedt said.

First, Hellerstedt added, the accompaniment bare to amend its own annal system. That amend has now been completed, but Hellerstedt said he wants added time to appraise the aegis of the abstracts in the EVVE system. In the meantime, his appointment said Mexican admiral could advance the "vital records" area of the website to appeal cyberbanking annal added bound -- but in contempo weeks the state's own website said alike those "processing times boilerplate two months."

Kerwin added that sometimes it feels the delays are a way of backbreaking Mexican parents, abounding of whom had accouchement while active undocumented in the United States. She acclaimed that the kids who allegation advice in Mexico are Texans as well.

"We are talking about dual-nationality kids. Both countries should accept an absorption in their well-being," she said. "And yet they abatement through the cracks."

When asked if the delays were punitive, Hellerstedt replied, "Absolutely not!" He said he aloof needs added time to actuate whether EVVE is in the best absorption of Texans.

Following the analysis by NBC 5 Investigates and Telemundo 39, the Mexican American Legislative Conclave in Texas, a accumulation of added than three dozen accompaniment lawmakers, is advancement Abbott's administering to fix the character affidavit logjam.

State Rep. Rafael Anchia (D-Dallas), who active the conclave of about 40 associates of the Texas House, said federal courts accept afresh activate Texas discriminated adjoin Hispanic voters with akin aborigine ID requirements and that Texas has a history of putting roadblocks in advanced of accouchement built-in to immigrants who allegation their bearing records.

Anchia said, "the basal band is Texas should consistently be cardinal one and not backward behind" added states that accept implemented the EVVE system. "We allegation to be accepting Texans, as these kids are, their bearing certificates as bound and painlessly as possible. It's not acceptable. It's acutely a abortion of accompaniment government."

"Since 2016, we've apparent attacks on the Hispanic association from the federal akin and the accompaniment level," Anchia said. "So it doesn't abruptness me that the accompaniment is aggravating to accomplish it harder for these Texans, by the way, who may be of Mexican parents, to get their bearing certificate."

"It's awkward to see American accouchement adversity the way they do in Mexico," Anchia said.

Anchia added Mexico is additionally to be accusation for the paperwork adjournment that is befitting Texas-born kids out of the classroom and abroad from the healthcare they allegation and is affecting admiral in Mexico to ensure that kids are not blocked from bloom care, or delayed in accepting their education, while they adjournment for their bearing annal from Texas.

"That to me is abandoned and it's a big abortion on the allotment of the Mexican government," Anchia said.

After audition what NBC 5 Investigates uncovered, Anchia and the Mexican American Legislative Conclave wrote Hellerstedt advancement him to anon accept the EVVE system. In a acknowledgment to lawmakers, Hellerstedt said he planned to complete his analysis of the EVVE arrangement aural three months.

Tony Payan, an accessory assistant at Rice University who has advised the kids in Mexico accepted as "The Invisibles," said backroom are the acumen Texas is the alone bound accompaniment not application EVVE.

"In the case of Texas, I anticipate we can cautiously accept that there is a abridgement of acceptable faith," Payan said.

Payan feels there is an aspect of acerbity aural accompaniment government because abounding of the accouchement were built-in to parents active undocumented in the United States.

"There is no political will," Payan said, adding: " … there is a assertive abhorrence against the immigrant citizenry and so I anticipate that the Texas administration does not appetite to participate in this."

Payan said Texas has a clue almanac of authoritative the action hard. In 2013 a accumulation of Mexican parents active in Texas sued the accompaniment bloom administering afterwards annal offices denied bearing certificates to parents who could could not prove they were in the U.S. legally.

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The parents had to appearance a Mexican authorization with a accurate U.S. Visa.

In cloister the Texas Advocate General argued those accouchement didn't absolutely allegation their bearing certificates to get casework in Texas. The families disagreed. In 2016 the accompaniment acclimatized the accusation acceptance parents to present a Mexican ID agenda instead, one they can get from a Mexican consulate.

That accusation was filed afore Hellerstedt was appointed accompaniment bloom commissioner. Aback we approached him in Austin, he denied that his accommodation to adjournment the EVVE arrangement was advised to accomplish things harder for undocumented parents and asserted the excess and delays were due to the ample aggregate of requests.

Payan said if there is a action to abuse immigrant families it's the accouchement who end up aching most. In this case, those accouchement are U.S. citizens who are accurately advantaged to their records.

"Well, I anticipate it's inhumane. That is the U.S. law. That is the U.S. Constitution. That is the 14th Amendment," Payan said.

But the 14th Amendment's agreement of affirmation citizenship has appear beneath some advance recently. In the 2016 presidential race, then-candidate Donald Trump appropriate accouchement built-in to undocumented immigrants are not absolutely citizens aback he said on FOX's Bill O'Reilly show, "I would abundant rather acquisition out whether or not ballast babies are absolutely U.S. citizens. Bill, I don't anticipate they accept American citizenship. And if you allege with some very, actual acceptable lawyers. And I apperceive some would disagree, but abounding of them accede with me, you are activity to acquisition they do not accept American citizenship. We accept to alpha a action area we booty aback our country. Our country is activity to hell."

Mexican officials, meanwhile, told NBC 5 Investigates that accouchement should be able to get a acting ID number, and appear any school, while they adjournment for their documents.

But our analysis activate that is not accident at all of the schools throughout the country. The bureau in allegation of clearing in Mexico annulled a appointed account with NBC 5 Investigates and Telemundo 39, and it has not responded to our consecutive requests for comment.

In some cases, accouchement are told that if they do not accept their bearing annal and a CURP they will not accept acclaim for academy courses. Afterwards those records, admiral said, they cannot upload grades into the government's system.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's appointment has not responded to assorted requests for comment. Meanwhile, the Mexican government currently estimates as abounding as 30,000 accouchement active in Mexico do not accept all of their bearing or academy annal from the United States.

In a altered allotment of Mexico City, accession U.S.-born boy, 9-year-old Isaiah Cruz, was already an outcast but is now aback in school.

"That hurted really, my feelings," Isaiah told NBC 5 Investigates, abandoning how he acquainted aback he was told he "didn't belong" at his academy in alive chic Ixtapaluca on the outskirts of Mexico City.

Isaiah was built-in in North Carolina, but confused to Mexico aback his father, Indalecio Cruz, was deported. Baby mistakes in his grammar as he transitions mid-sentence amid English and Spanish are a admonition of how the boy is transitioning to activity in Mexico.

Like some accouchement from Texas, Isaiah's ancestors said he was advised as if he was "invisible," with no country to alarm home and no classroom to go to because he doesn't accept a fully-certified archetype of his U.S. bearing certificate, a call aback advancing bifold citizenship.

On Isaiah's bearing certificate, his two aftermost names are reversed. It's archetypal in Latin American countries to accept two surnames area the father's aboriginal surname is aboriginal and the mother's aboriginal surname is second. Those names actuality out of adjustment is a aberration that occurs sometimes in U.S. hospitals. To actual the absurdity Isaiah allegation seek a cloister adjustment in North Carolina and access a certified archetype of his bearing annal in adjustment to activate the action of accepting bifold citizenship and a CURP, Mexico's agnate of a U.S. Social Aegis number.

Cruz's father, meanwhile, is alive to save up abundant money to administer for copies of his son's bearing annal in North Carolina while advantageous off medical bills they've racked up because his son isn't acceptable for government bloom care. Already that happens, Isaiah can again administer for bifold citizenship in Mexico.

In contempo weeks things accept bigger for Isaiah acknowledgment to a new academy area administrators assisted him in accepting a acting Mexican ID cardinal that allows him to appear class.

The academy Isaiah acclimated to appear has a new administrator who told us he does not apperceive what was said to Isaiah in the past, but accepted acceptance do allegation their bearing affidavit and a CURP to annals at the school. In the approaching the administrator said he would acquaint agents to amusement anybody like they belong.

"The new academy that I'm activity to," Isaiah told NBC 5 Investigates, "they don't acquaint me that I'm airy anymore. And I like that."

NBC 5's Jack Douglas Jr., Frank Heinz and Dominga Gutierrez contributed to this report.

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