Most bodies in academy either anticipate of accepting a job or activity away for academy studies or at present, anticipate of architecture a startup.

While a lot of us are absorption on these options, a 21-year-old law apprentice from Mumbai University, Chaitanya Prabhu, has boarded on a absolutely altered journey. His mission – to brainwash and enrol citizens in aborigine lists by accepting them a aborigine ID to casting their votes.
Despite accepting a appropriate bookish almanac and actuality a civic akin athlete, Chaitanya’s sole absorption lies in allowance bodies by architecture a capitalism with accomplished voters.
Speaking to SocialStory, the adolescent changemaker says,
Chaitanya Prabhu forth with the adolescent voters
This led to starting his organisation, Mark Your Presence, based out of Mumbai in January 2019. Since then, the organisation has played a basic role amid the first-time voters in the General and Maharashtra State Elections, and to date, it has registered over 10,000 adolescent voters.
It all started back Chaitanya got his new aborigine agenda that was actuality issued at the time back he angry 18. Afterwards accepting it, he approved to analyze if others had one. He asked a brace of his accompany and realised that none of them had a card.
Within no time, Chaitanya registered about 550 bodies for aborigine IDs. He afterwards met the Chief Balloter Officer of Maharashtra, who, aloft alert to his idea, assured abutment and abetment back required.
With the government official’s support, Chaitanya went on a spree. He registered adolescent voters and acclimatized altered techniques to ability out to a beyond audience. “Register in 7.30mins' – I branded the action so that bodies could accept how accessible it is to register,” Chaitanya says.
Being a apprentice himself, Chaitanya understands what it takes to argue the accepted bearing youths about the accent of voting. With that in mind, Chaitanya visits assorted colleges and universities in the city, and gives a presentation titled, ‘Democracy Class’. So far, he has been to 42 colleges and bristles universities in Mumbai.
In his class, Chaitanya explains acceptance about their appropriate to vote, from area it comes from, and why is it important. He additionally teaches the adolescent voters about how bodies accept fought for the appropriate to vote, how we are chargeless today, and how we should not decay it.
Explaining the forms and action
Chaitanya says the action is absolutely accessible and explains it step-by-step. He says, sometimes, the allotment is done on the atom but, if time does not allow, he takes the acquaintance capacity of the individuals and email them the procedure. Recently, he approved abutting rap music to voting as the adolescence follows it. His aggregation fabricated the aboriginal song in three altered languages, overextension acquaintance about the accent of voting and registering for aborigine IDs.

Asked about the allotment system, Chaitanya says, “All you accept to do is log in to, and bang on annals now to annals for aborigine ID. I accept fabricated the action accessible so that anybody can annals aural minutes.”
Further, Chaitanya and his aggregation accept created a voter's chiral to advice individuals accept the action of voting better. The chiral includes the capital things a aborigine needs to do afore he or she goes out to vote. It additionally educates the aborigine about their constituency and the role of a Member of Parliament.
The aggregation has additionally taken the accomplishment to chase up with the anxious Booth Akin Officers (BLO), whenever there is a problem. On its website, the voters can clue their aborigine IDs, analysis if their name is on the balloter roll, their polling stations, and they can additionally acquisition the abundant advice of their abutting acclamation office.
When asked about the funding, Chaitanya says, “We coact and assignment on a mutually benign basis. Anybody is a adolescent student, so anybody is alive to actualize an appulse on society.”
To accept the dynamics of the cardinal of youth, acceptable voters afterwards a aborigine ID, Mark Your Presence conducts surveys beyond colleges and universities in the city. Once completed, the aggregation understands the cardinal of acceptance absorbed in voting. However, they do not accept admission to advice accompanying to voting.
To adverse this, Chaitanya fabricated a website with all the details, area his aggregation releases voter’s chiral afore the elections that acquaint voters about the role and functions of the MLAs, MPs, and corporators, so the first-time voters can analyse and again vote.

For the first-time voters, the chiral is like a adviser to the election, and currently, the organisation is accomplishing the aforementioned for the accessible Delhi elections. It has started registering acceptance from the Ashoka University and in January, it will annex out to Delhi University, area it is planning to accumulate a academy on the accent and appulse of voting, as well.
According to Chaitanya, it is easier to assignment with the abutment from the CEO office, which can admonish the organisation on how to do things perfectly. Further, if any botheration persists afterwards the registration, they can adviser the voters to the abutting steps.
In the future, Chaitnya wants to accomplish voting an advancing programme, as he believes it is a affair that needs to be discussed not alone during elections but, throughout the year. Further, Chaitanya wants to accomplish backroom and voting added absorbing for added accord and registration.
For this, he has bought a political credo analysis that will acquaint every aborigine his ideology, depending on how he attempts this test. It will additionally advice abashed voters while voting for a accurate party.
Since the focus is on accomplished voters, the aggregation has planned to annals acerbic advance victims, transgender, and dark acceptance as well.
(Edited by Suman Singh)

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