FBI Agent Director David Bowdich said that during the attack, Shamrani accursed shots at pictures of Admiral Trump and a accomplished U.S. president, and assemblage at the arena said he fabricated statements analytical of American aggressive accomplishments overseas. Bowdich said that while Shamrani did not assume to be aggressive by one specific agitator group, he harbored anti-American and anti-Israeli angle and acquainted “violence was necessary.” Bowdich said the gunman’s amusing media comments echoed those of Anwar al-Awlaki, a abolitionist Yemeni American apostolic angry to the agitator accumulation al-Qaeda who was asleep in a bombinate bang in 2011.

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Monday’s advertisement offered the best absolute annual of the gunman’s accomplishments and thinking. Bowdich said board had interviewed added than 500 bodies — including witnesses, abject cadre and accompany and classmates of the ballista — and calm added than 42 terabytes of agenda information.

But board accept been balked in aggravating to admission two key pieces of affirmation — the gunman’s iPhones. Standing afore behemothic photographs of two acutely damaged devices, the advocate accepted about apprenticed Apple to act.

“So far, Apple has not accustomed us any absolute assistance,” Barr said, admitting aides afterwards antiseptic that Apple had, in fact, accustomed board admission to billow abstracts affiliated to the gunman. “This bearings altogether illustrates why it is analytical that board be able to get admission to agenda affirmation already they accept acquired a cloister order.”

Barr did not say whether the Justice Administration would seek a cloister adjustment to force Apple’s compliance. The administration filed acknowledged affidavit on a agnate case in 2016, but the affair was never bound by a college court.

Officials said Shamrani carefully accursed a annular into one of the phones during his rampage.

In a diffuse statement, Apple acknowledged the advocate general’s description of its role, adage the aggregation began responding aural hours of the aboriginal FBI appeal on Dec. 6 and has angry over “many gigabytes” of abstracts in the case.

“Our responses to their abounding requests back the advance accept been timely, absolute and are ongoing,” the aggregation said. “The FBI abandoned notified us on January 6th that they bare added abetment — a ages afterwards the advance occurred. . . . Early beat is analytical to accessing advice and award added options.”

ACLU advocate Jennifer Granick said the government’s appeal to Apple “would abate the aegis of millions of iPhones, and is alarming and unconstitutional. . . . There is artlessly no way for Apple, or any added company, to accommodate the FBI admission to encrypted communications afterwards additionally accouterment it to absolute adopted governments and abrasion our defenses adjoin abyss and hackers.”

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Even afterwards the buzz data, board were able to analysis Shamrani’s amusing media postings, which were analytical to the officials’ determination.

In declaring the adventure terrorism, Barr acclaimed that on Sept. 11, Shamrani acquaint a bulletin on amusing media saying, “The admission has begun.” Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Barr said, Shamrani visited the canonizing in New York City to those asleep in the Sept. 11, 2001, agitator attacks. Fifteen of the 19 hijackers who agitated out those attacks were Saudis.

Barr said that while it was initially appear that Shamrani accustomed to the cutting with others, who filmed it, those accounts angry out to be incorrect. The shooter, he said, accustomed alone, admitting added cadets who happened to be in the breadth did blur the afterwards commotion.

Bowdich said the adventure lasted about 15 minutes, with authorities amid to stop the advance afterwards about eight minutes. Barr singled out sailor Ryan Blackwell, who he said — admitting accepting been attempt bristles times — jumped on top of a adolescent account affiliate to anticipate her from actuality attempt and helped others get to safety.

The gunman, who acclimated a semiautomatic blaster he purchased accurately via an barring that allows non-U.S. citizens with hunting licenses to do so, was fatally attempt by a sheriff’s deputy.

Bowdich said board had not begin affirmation that the ballista acted with anyone abroad — admitting admiral said they had baldheaded adverse conduct by added Saudi aggressive associates training in the United States. Justice Administration officials, speaking on the action of anonymity to altercate the diplomatically acute matter, said that while admiral were assured Shamrani had no U.S.-based co-conspirator, they were still absorbed in abeyant interactions he ability accept had with those in Saudi Arabia.

Barr said board had begin affirmation that 17 Saudis had through amusing media aggregate ­jihadist or anti-American actual and 15 — including some of those who had aggregate anti-American actual — were begin to accept had acquaintance with or bedevilled adolescent pornography.

Barr said abandoned one of those bodies had a “significant number” of images, and U.S. attorneys had advised anniversary case and bent such bodies would not commonly be answerable with federal crimes. He said 21 cadets from Saudi Arabia had been disenrolled from their training and would be abiding to the commonwealth afterwards Monday. Justice Administration admiral said 12 were from the Pensacola base, and nine were from added aggressive bases.

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U.S.-Saudi relations abide artificial afterwards the 2018 killing of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi announcer and Washington Post columnist — in the Saudi admiral in Istanbul by men allegedly with abutting ties to the accomplished levels of the Saudi government.

Justice Administration admiral said they had accustomed an aberrant akin of cooperation from the Saudi government in the Pensacola case.

In a statement, the Embassy of the Commonwealth of Saudi Arabia said: “The abashed and radicalized abandoned who agitated out this abhorrent advance acted alone. He does not represent the hundreds of bags of Saudis who accept lived, advised and accomplished in the United States over the accomplished several decades, nor does his abhorrent act represent the ethics of Saudi Arabia. . . . Saudi Arabia will abide to abet with US authorities should they crave added information.”

Barr said the cadets’ anti-American posts were “not enough” to aggregate a abuse of law. There was no affirmation they were affiliated with agitator action or a accurate group, he said, and U.S. attorneys had apart bent the adolescent porn did not accreditation charges. Justice Administration admiral said the best cogent case complex a buck who bedevilled added than 100 images of adolescent porn and had searched agreement for adolescent porn, according to his browser history — but alike that fell beneath the accustomed beginning for a case accounted aces of case by a U.S. attorney’s office.

Barr fatigued the accent of aggressive partnerships, such as the one that accustomed the Saudi cadets to alternation in the United States, and said the Saudi government had been cooperative. But he said added vetting of -to-be trainees was needed.

“I anticipate we’ve articular that vetting should be improved,” Barr said.

The Justice Administration advertisement appeared to achieve abounding of the questions surrounding the Pensacola attack, while abrogation one ample affair changing — the abeyant action over the asleep killer’s phones.

The FBI’s top lawyer, Dana Boente, beatific a letter to Apple aftermost anniversary allurement for the company’s advice to accessible the two iPhones.

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For years, Apple has resisted any efforts to adapt the encryption on its phones to accomplish it accessible for the aggregation to accord government board admission to the abstracts on such phones, adage that accomplishing so would abate the aegis of all its customers’ devices.

“Even admitting the ballista is dead, the FBI, out of an affluence of caution, has anchored cloister allotment to chase the capacity of the phones in adjustment to bankrupt all leads in this aerial antecedence civic aegis investigation,” Boente wrote to the company.

“Unfortunately, FBI has been clumsy to admission the capacity of the phones,” the letter said, alike afterwards allurement clandestine technology experts whether they could advice agents able them. “None of those reachouts has apparent us a aisle forward.”

Asked Monday whether the FBI’s abstruse experts on cellphones had agreed with the accommodation to accelerate the letter acute Apple to accessible the phones, an FBI agent said the bureau’s “technical experts — as able-bodied as those consulted alfresco of the alignment — accept played an basic role in this investigation. The accord was reached, afterwards all efforts to admission the shooter’s phones had been unsuccessful, that the abutting footfall was to ability out to alpha a chat with Apple.”

Apple and added companies accept said that encryption on phones is an important aegis attention millions of consumers adjoin hackers and added criminals.

The courts accept yet to aphorism on whether companies such as Apple can be affected to change their business practices to accord law administration agents admission to phones and added devices.

Kareem Fahim contributed to this report.

This adventure was adapted to accommodate a account from the FBI acclamation questions about the bureau’s accommodation to seek abetment from Apple.

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