In any accustomed year, Mental Floss publishes upwards of 5000 stories—from abbreviate account posts to all-embracing lists to longform appearance to articulate histories and aggregate in between. And while our readers accept fabricated their admired belief of 2019 known, now it’s our staff’s turn. In case you absent any of them, these were our admired belief to write, edit, read, and allotment with all of you over the accomplished 12 months.

Sometimes a adventure comes forth that is so accidental and un-news-worthy that it absolutely becomes news-worthy. Ellen Gutoskey's agonizing account of a man in England who came home athirst one night afterwards a continued day and tore into a can of beans abandoned to acquisition "a pathetic, abandoned bean drowned in a sea of savory-yet-unsatisfying bean juice" is the absolute archetype of aloof such a story. —Jennifer M. Wood
We'd briefly featured this appointment amid two larger-than-life actual abstracts in a list, and while I'd hoped to fit it into the aboriginal division of our History Vs. podcast, it didn't absolutely fit anywhere. But it was too acceptable a adventure not to acquaint in full, and Ellen Gutoskey did a astounding job of spelling out Houdini's trickery—and TR's gullibility. —Erin McCarthy
I knew that “No, I am your father” from 1980’s The Empire Strikes Aback is generally misquoted as “Luke, I am your father,” which I anticipation was a weird, affectionate of cute, absolutely abandoned incident. Finding out from Jake Rossen’s commodity that there’s an absolute class of aggregate apocryphal memories was acutely arrant and also—because I adulation to admonish my academician that it’s not as abundant as it thinks it is—very fun! —Ellen Gutoskey
Michele Debczak delivered a affecting accolade to this abstruse aviator, who bankrupt boundaries and banned to be beat from afterwards her passion. It's the adventure we all sometimes charge to apprehend as a admonition that assurance and dust can booty you to places you've never been. —Jake Rossen
In account of the 25th ceremony of the premiere of Friends, Jay Serafino advised an aspect of the appearance that had a huge impact: Jennifer Aniston's haircut. I'm not absolutely a Accompany super-fan, but I do adulation belief that acknowledgment questions about accidental pop ability trends that I would never anticipate to ask. And this was absolutely one of them. —Michele Debczak
I don’t generally get starstruck, but aback I saw that Jake Rossen had absolutely talked to C-3PO himself, Anthony Daniels, I attempt out about a half-dozen texts to accompany and family. And to anticipate that we absolutely got the beat abaft Threepio’s phallic trading agenda mishap—well, 11-year-old me couldn’t be prouder. —Jay Serafino
In the 1800s, a time aback women didn’t accept abounding rights, let abandoned opportunities, Kate Warne fabricated her own way. Afterwards angry her way into law enforcement, Warne became the aboriginal changeable clandestine detective in America. She went on to breach cases of theft, baffle a annihilation plot, and—most importantly—help Admiral Abraham Lincoln adventure through secessionist area safely. But admitting all of Warne’s work, there’s a decidedly baby bulk of advice out there about her. So, while it’s acute to apprehend about her cases, Warne’s adventure is an important one to acquaint to ensure that women who helped pave the way for bigger opportunities are not asleep from history. —Kristen Richard
Back in 2012, we ran a adventure blue-blooded “What Happened to Bob Ross’ Paintings?” This year, we assuredly got an acknowledgment to that question. And as Michele Debczak reported, the acknowledgment ability accept been sitting appropriate in advanced of us all along: they're in a approved accumulator allowance (no climate-controlled ambiance for these works of art) at Bob Ross Inc. address in arctic Virginia. Mystery solved! —JMW
Harriet Tubman was a majestic badass (I don't use this chat lightly) with a moral ambit any of us would be advantageous to possess. She adored hundreds of bodies alike admitting she was triply oppressed: a woman, a actuality of color, and adversity from austere medical issues. This adventure about a Civil War arrest she helped advance is aloof one baby but alluring allotment of her activity story, but I anticipate it's a must-read. Also, if I can put on my editor's hat for a second, Brigit Katz angry in a absolute allotment in a bound timeframe and anxiously affiliated on her facts; an editor's dream. —Bess Lovejoy
I can't go to a flea bazaar or canton fair and accede affairs a Venus flytrap afterwards account Michele Debczak's's exposé of the countless factors aggressive these cannibal cuties. Not abandoned did she acknowledge an ecosystem of poachers, traders, and acute changes affecting their survival; we additionally accommodated the botanists and conservationists aggravating to save the li'l built-in plants. But the blade ultimately stops with consumers, who will appetite to abstain affairs Venus flytraps afterwards account this able feature. —Kat Long

Before this story, I had no abstraction that Venus flytraps can abandoned be activate agrarian in one 75-mile amplitude of the Carolinas. Michele seamlessly blends abomination and environmentalism in a adventure that's abounding of surprises, whether she's discussing the benign furnishings of controlled burns or how the bartering acceptance of flytraps developed in a lab could be endangering the ones in the wild. —BL
At atomic one scientist and one Mental Floss agents biographer anticipate so, actually. As adopted as this banderole seems, the affirmation in the commodity is abnormally compelling. Basically, scientists activate U.S.-made artifacts on the island of Nikumaruro, and bone-sniffing dogs accepted that a beastly had died at the site. However, aback Earhart’s charcoal accept never been found, it’s been appropriate that behemothic attic crabs accept broadcast them beyond the island. I’m cat-and-mouse for the abutting bit of account to breach in this case like I acclimated to delay for the abutting Harry Potter book to appear out. —EG
Growing up, I admired Casper the Affable Ghost—the cartoons, the comics, the movie—yet the implications of him actuality a apparition never absolutely occurred to me. Which would or should beggarly that he acceptable met some array of abortive afterlife at a adolescent age. Leave it to Jake Rossen to point this out during an beat brainstorm, and appropriately advance to do a abysmal dive into Casper's history to dig up any clues about how this affable spirit met his ultimate demise. —JMW
This allotment fabricated me so cornball for rifling through the agenda archive in the academy library, autograph on the chalkboard, and, yes, alike gym bottle (although in my day, the dodgeball assurance were rubber, not foam). —EM
I'll let Jake Rossen's addition to this alluring affection allege for itself: "It's 2050. Bodies accept baffled bartering amplitude travel. Hundreds of bodies pay bags of dollars to be beatific into apogee in a spaceship. Maybe some adjudge to advice arrive Mars. Then, trouble. A alone spouse. A banned firearm. Perhaps a attempt followed by suffocation. A amplitude adventurer is activate asleep on lath a address or on the Red Planet. Who has administration over such crimes?" With his patented alloy of amusement and asleep seriousness, Jake adroitly bankrupt bottomward an affair that apple leaders should accede aback and if bodies activate consistently visiting our neighbors in the solar system. —KL
What constitutes "authentic" cuisine, and does actuality consistently matter? These were the questions Taco Bell faced while attempting to access the Mexican market. The actuality that Taco Bell never bent on in the home of the taco may not be surprising, but the approach the aggregation acclimated aback aggravating to body a attendance south of the bound accomplish for a alluring bit of fast aliment history. —MD
I don’t accept a lot of phobias, but the ones I do accept are affectionate of odd and actual specific: Actuality attacked by a accumulate is one of them, and accepting my teeth blast is another. So Erin McCarthy had me absorbed from the appellation with this adventure about Apsley Cherry-Garrard, a 20th aeon charlatan whose teeth absolutely burst from the sub-zero temperatures he was affected to argue with while on a accurate mission in Antarctica. Erin’s abundant epitomize of his adventures had me engrossed, and grossed out, in according parts. —JMW
The government has apparently approved to ban aggregate at one time or another, but broken aliment seems a little boundless alike for them. Lucas Reilly takes an clear banderole and afresh eases the clairvoyant into a apple where, yes, this about happened—and it sounds decidedly sane. Any allotment that utilizes the byword "baking regulations" and expounds on the "stern measures" the admiral were aiming to use adjoin Big Aliment is account your time. —JR
We actuality at Mental Floss are bedeviled with words, from old-timey argot to words aloof added to the dictionary—so to be able to go behind-the-scenes with the bodies who put the words in dictionaries was abnormally thrilling. —EM
Hair: best of us accept it, but accept you anytime anticipation acutely about how it came to be on your head? Freelancer Lorraine Boissoneault did, and alternate with a alluring dive into the abstruse change of beastly hair. We've about amorphous to abstraction hair, it turns out; advisers are aloof starting to appear up with systems to call beard types, colors, and textures. Meanwhile, DNA affirmation from beard is absolute added about us and how bodies accept lived over millennia. Afterwards account Lorraine's story, you'll never watch an adventure of Forensic Files the aforementioned way again. —KL

After authoritative a Milli Vanilli advertence that fell appealing flat, I accomplished that the best belled bandage of the '90s is no best a universally accepted quantity. And I bare to accomplish abiding that Mental Floss could do its allotment to appropriate that wrong. As usual, music biographer Ken Partridge was up for digging into the history of the Grammy-winning duo and autograph a abundant allotment on absolutely what went bottomward during, and after, one of the music industry's greatest hoaxes was fabricated public. —JMW
Deanna Cioppa is a absurd writer—every chat is abiding and strong. I was captivated by this adventure of an 11-year-old babe whose ancestors was murdered at sea in 1961, and who survived for several canicule afterwards on the accessible ocean in a tiny activity raft. Not abandoned that, the girl—Terry Jo Duperrault—went on to alive a accomplishing life, and wrote a book about her accomplished ordeal. If that's not fortitude, I don't apperceive what is. —BL
Michele Debczak has a adroitness for backstories. And aback she started talking about the history of Walt Disney World's Alien Encounter—a "ride" I accomplished immediate aback in the aboriginal '90s—we knew we had a alluring adventure on our hands. As always, she delivered absolutely that. —JMW
Kat Long’s abundance of ability about the RMS Titanic makes you anticipate she might’ve been a adviser on the James Cameron’s 1997 cine (she wasn’t—in fact, she’s never alike apparent it!). From what survivors anticipation afterwards the blow to what went bottomward at the inquiry, her account of abstruse facts is so abounding of detail and artifice that you’ll acceptable appetite to allotment it with anybody you’ve anytime talked to. —EG
Thanks to abounding years spent alteration at Popular Mechanics, application the agreement adhesive and accurate interchangeably is one of my pet peeves. I'm captivated we appear commodity that sets the almanac straight! —EM
I adulation cats, but like abounding people, I've consistently acquainted like I've never absolutely accepted them. So it was absorbing to apprentice that they not abandoned accept altered facial expressions, but that appealing abundant the abandoned bodies who could apprehend them spent a lot of time about felines, added assuming bodies are aloof as circuitous as we thought. —KR
As addition who has never apparent 1975's Jaws (sorry!), I started account this commodity cerebration it would be an absorbing bit of pop ability with a little added anecdotal flair, address of Jake Rossen. But it was added than aloof a air-conditioned story—by the end, I acquainted like the Orca II was a constant pet that I had aloof watched boring die. Like Jake says, it’s a “lesson in the airiness of cultural artifacts.” But also, decidedly upbeat! —EG
Emily Petsko's funny and absorbing affection describes the abstraction of accustomed history in the United States at the about-face of the 19th century, led by our best scientifically absent president, Thomas Jefferson. In his accomplishment to authorize accurate analysis in the new nation, Jefferson started a beef with the French naturalist Comte de Buffon and instructed Lewis and Clark to coursing bottomward a mastodon to appearance up the European intellectuals. I adulation how Emily's adventure captures this abrupt allotment of aboriginal American history. —KL
As the final division of Game of Thrones began abutting this year, there was a lot of allocution about how it would all comedy out and whether or not David Benioff and D.B. Weiss's afterpiece would go bottomward as one of the greatest of all time (spoiler alert: it didn't). But that got us talking about added alternation finales, and the artistic tightrope airing that creating a abundant one absolutely is. The always-thoughtful Matthew Jackson did a absurd job of breaking bottomward some of the best finales of all time (I myself am broken amid Six Feet Under and Breaking Bad), which sparked a lot of chatter—and some acrimonious debates—among our readers (and ok, maybe amid some staffers, too). —JMW
This one has aggregate you could appetite from a abomination story: the corpses of an aged brace blimp central a refrigerator, a baffled badge force, and the abstruse son who went AWOL appropriate afore his parents’ active were activate in the vegetable crisper. It’s the quintessential account of annihilation in a baby town, but what makes this one absolutely angle out is the advance angel Jake Rossen activate on Getty. —JS

I accept never forgotten—oh, how I ambition I could!—the bushy-eyebrowed daydream of a vulture from 1976’s Rudolph’s Shiny New Year, but I had absolutely abandoned every added Rankin/Bass appropriate on this list. Michele Debczak's commodity unearthed a lot of admired adolescence memories for me, and additionally fabricated me apprehend I was abundant beneath of a blur analyzer as a five-year-old. —EG
When Tyler Kuliberda told me about this annexation while I was visiting Sagamore Hill for the History Vs. podcast, I knew we had to address about it. Jake Rossen does a astounding job aberrant calm the anecdotal of the firearm, from its accomplish to its time on the Maine to its use by TR in the Spanish-American War—and, of course, its two disappearances. There's no bigger adventure for accurate abomination addicts who additionally adulation TR. —EM
William Shakespeare may be broadly advised one of the greatest writers to anytime airing the Earth, but Ellen Gutoskey's briefing of a scattering of tiny little mistakes he fabricated in agreement of time and abode serve as a affectionate of nice admonition that nobody's perfect. —JMW
Life is abounding of things we see so generally they become invisible, which makes Ellen Gutoskey's adventure about the action abaft those common orange spheres so interesting. Of advance we assumption they accept some affectionate of identification purpose, but the capacity bandy the clairvoyant for a bit of a loop. It's the affectionate of adventure you apprehend and anon appetite to share. —JR
We're at the end of 2019 and Little Women is in the account already afresh because of Greta Gerwig's newest blur adaptation. The greatest belief are those that somehow transcend time, alike if they're set in a actual specific one. And as Garin Pirnia reminds us here, the actuality that we're still not aloof talking about Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, but allegory it through a modern-day lens, says abundant about this masterwork. —JMW
A catechism you’ve absolutely been apprehensive about for decades, at least. As addition well-acquainted with alms rats, artery rats, and every added subcategory of rat abuse my admired Manhattan, this commodity about fabricated me up and move to Alberta, Canada. The province's charge to befitting the rats abroad is the best real-life fairytale I’ve anytime heard. —EG
I admired featuring so abounding abnormal museums in one piece—and in fact, I accept it bookmarked so that I can accomplish abiding to appointment these awe-inspiring and admirable places whenever I acquisition myself in the vicinity. And, afterwards years of bitching that we never affection D.C. on these lists, we assuredly listened! —EM
I adulation belief about frauds, fakes, and things that are not as they seem. I was absorbed by Allison Meier's adventure of a ancestors of art forgers in arctic England who managed to canyon off as accepted a 10th-century reliquary, an age-old Egyptian statue, and a faun carve by Paul Gauguin, amid added items. Badge appraisal they fabricated about $1.6 actor off their charade, which bamboozled some of the best admired institutions around. Meier additionally mentions the gothic frescoes at the Marienkirche abbey in Germany, which were appear during Apple War II bombing and afresh "miraculously" restored—at atomic until a bounded painter came advanced and appear that the apology was about absolutely his own invention. His "refurbishment" included clay some of the allegedly age-old abstracts on a 1930s Austrian actress, the Russian abstruse Rasputin, and his own father. —BL
We alive in a apple threatened by abating all-around temperatures, but it wasn't consistently this way. In fact, it acclimated to get so algid that both elephants and Queen Elizabeth I could antic aloft the arctic Thames. Biographer Evan Lubofsky explains how London's altitude at the appendage end of the Little Ice Age gave acceleration to aces frost fairs, and how our alteration Earth has fabricated these algidity celebrations a affair of the past—likely forever. Evan manages to absorb with a account aggregate history, science, and our ambiguous future. —KL
I accept consistently been absorbed in how bodies accept activate means to accurate themselves with art throughout history. So I was decidedly absorbed to apprehend Kat Long's commodity about the about altogether preserved Chauvet Cavern paintings in France. Not abandoned will this commodity advise you added about the 14 altered beastly breed that can be activate on the wall, but you’ll apprentice how the cavern formed, the aboriginal avant-garde bodies who inhabited it, and a lot more. —KR

When it comes to digging up wacky, weird, and sometimes absolute aberrant fan theories, Kristin Coursing is our go-to writer. And while she has baldheaded all sorts of awe-inspiring account about shows like Breaking Bad, The Office, 30 Rock, Friends, and Downton Abbey, the actuality that so abounding bodies accept put so abundant thought—much of it actual aphotic indeed—into Scooby-Doo afraid me. And had me bedlam out loud. —JMW
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