At 3 o’clock one contempo Friday afternoon on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, three blocks from the mayor’s abode at Gracie Mansion, a woman alleged Rosa approached an affected prewar architecture breadth apartments hire for $13,500 per month.

On cue, the building’s porter brought out about 20 dejected accoutrements abounding with cans and bottles and set them on the sidewalk. He slipped Rosa a scattering of abandoned 50-gallon, bright bogus bags. “Anything you need, Mami.”
Rosa hunkered bottomward to work. She fished through the dejected accoutrements for containers with 5-cent deposits, affairs out can afterwards can afterwards canteen afterwards canteen and bottomward them into her bright bag, breadth they landed like nickels aerobatics from a aperture machine.
Her rubber-gloved easily flew bound and nimbly. She has been acrimonious cans aback the branch breadth she formed in Manhattan’s vanishing apparel commune bankrupt a dozen years ago.
The sun biconcave against Central Park. Plaid-skirted teenagers from the clandestine academy about the bend anesthetized by, shouting and giggling. A adolescent man in a beach V-neck sweater absolved a wire-haired dachshund. Rosa did not attending up. She had no time.
In one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in one of the richest cities on earth, the afterimage of millionaires aimless accomplished bodies pawing through debris for the agency to survive is familiar. But what happens to a salvaged can adeptness not be.
In contempo years, an absolute bread-and-butter ecosystem has sprouted from the bogus accommodation of a 5-cent deposit. It includes fleets of trucks, clashes amid canners flush and amid truckers at an amphitheater canning bazaar downtown, amount wars and middlemen and accommodating handoffs.
And now, tensions are growing over a angle to aggrandize the types of drinks that appear beneath the bead law. The admeasurement would beggarly added money for canners, but an absurd accord of ecology activists, cooler companies and government admiral opposes it.
A man in a barter meets Rosa at an assigned address. He rolls up his burden door, endless in her accoutrements and easily her a wad of cash: $10 for anniversary bag of 200 cans and bottles. He drives off to his abutting corner, breadth addition canner waits. And another, and another, until the 24-foot barter is abounding and the disciplinarian active off to a abundant lot beside an automated alleyway 20 afar abroad breadth added trucks plying added neighborhoods accompany their adored burden of throwaways.
On the Upper East Side, big, well-staffed accommodation houses and newer affluence building accomplish fortress-size abundance of anxiously organized trash. Association are both careful recyclers — the adjacency has one of the city’s accomplished recycling ante — and affluent abundant not to anguish about casting abroad a nickel.
But the amount of Manhattan absolute acreage has additionally affected every committed bottle-and-can accretion centermost off the island, abrogation canners to augment their containers one at a time into bazaar accretion machines, which can appoint a $12-per-day limit, or lug them to recycling centers in the Bronx and Queens and Brooklyn.
Into this abandoned acquire stepped accretion companies that accelerate out trucks to buy from canners on the street, afterward the casual miners who chase the city’s recycling agenda night afterwards night.
The buyer of one such firm, Conrad Cutler, has his own appellation for the austere canner.
“We acquire a Rolodex of ‘bottle professionals’ throughout the bristles boroughs,” said Mr. Cutler. His company, Galvanize Group, based aloof arctic of the burghal in Mount Vernon, buys about bisected a actor containers a anniversary from Manhattan artery canners.
Rosa, who is 36, confused to New York from Ecuador 16 years ago and has two sisters who additionally formed at the accouterment factory, authoritative dresses and shirts. They, too, are now canners.
“Before, it wasn’t like it is now; we had to go to the Bronx to advertise the bottles,” Rosa said. “Now trucks come.”
Her approved disciplinarian works for a Brooklyn aggregation alleged Mainstream Recycling. She does not apperceive his name; the acquaintance in her buzz artlessly says “botella” — Spanish for bottle.
No one knows how abounding bodies in the burghal accomplish a active abiding bead containers, but this year an ecology consulting firm, Eunomia, estimated the cardinal at 4,000 to 8,000. And the operators of bisected a dozen of the city’s 40-odd accretion centers said the ranks of canners were growing.
“Definitely more,” said the buyer of Mainstream Recycling, Vladimir Zabrodin. “Much more.”

Ana Martinez de Luco, a nun who runs a huge nonprofit accretion centermost alleged Sure We Can in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn, said the advance showed that alike in a able economy, affairs for bodies at the basal of the bread-and-butter ladder — the rung beneath minimum allowance — were as austere as ever.
“Really, it’s the acrid time that bodies acquire with the active amount of the city,” Ms. Martinez de Luco said. Abounding canners are retired or on affliction and charge to amplitude their account payments. Abounding are undocumented and fatigued to a no-questions-asked job afterwards accent barriers.
As stable, low-skill jobs abide to abandon in New York, canning provides a lifeline.
To acquire the streetside accretion business, it is accessible to anticipate of abandoned cans and bottles as actual ample bill dappling the sidewalks and gutters of the city. They are there for the taking, but their admeasurement — their volume, added than their weight — and almost low amount accomplish them unwieldy. Twenty-five dollars account of cans weighs about as abundant as $25 account of pennies but is abundant harder to tote around, and the bend bodega is absurd to acquire either as acquittal for a sack of groceries.
While abandoned a atom of canners advertise to the trucks, aural that apple there are a boundless array of enterprises.
There are canners who advertise their cans to bigger canners who advertise to the trucks. Others buy their friends’ empties for 3 cents anniversary and advertise them to the trucks for 5 cents. One ancestors works the Upper East Side with its own van to aegis and carriage its autumn to the trucks.
At the added end of the island, there is a middle-of-the-night pop-up bazaar beneath the Manhattan Arch breadth dozens of men and women band up to accommodated the trucks, and a auto atom on Wall Artery breadth super-canners who acquire deals with confined to booty all their empties can booty off added than $500 a night.
Mr. Cutler’s truckers pay 6 cents per alembic for a bag of “straights” — that is, all one brand. In the winter, Mr. Zabrodin’s truckers sometimes pay 7 cents per alembic for a sorted bag, as a acknowledgment to the canners who accumulation them year round.
All of this action occurs in a all-inclusive gray breadth of legality. Technically, already recycling is larboard on the curb, it belongs to the city. It is a added abuse to use a motor agent to aggregate recyclable abstracts from curbside, but afterwards giving Mr. Cutler’s trucks a adamantine time for a brace of years, the burghal has about larboard them alone, too.
The nonenforcement stems from the abashing actuality that New York Burghal and New York Accompaniment run aggressive recycling programs.
New York State’s bead system, accustomed in 1982 to animate recycling, is decidedly convolute but it basically works like this: When a cooler benefactor sells a can of soda to a store, it accuse an added 5 cents. The abundance accuse the chump an added 5 cents. If the chump brings the abandoned can back, the abundance allotment her bead and sells the abandoned aback to the benefactor for recycling, and collects a 3.5 cent administration fee.
If the chump puts the can out for curbside recycling, though, the city’s arrangement bliss in. The burghal hauls the can to its recycling contractor, which accuse the burghal a clashing fee.
But if a canner takes the can out of the curbside recycling, the burghal loses it. And that affairs to the city, because the fee that the burghal pays to get rid of its recyclables depends partly on what’s in the mix: the added high-value cans and bogus bottles, the bigger the accord the burghal gets.
After the canner sells her cans and bottles to the accretion company, the aggregation sells it to the benefactor for a nickel additional the 3.5 cent administration fee. The 3.5 cents fuels the accretion business.
The city, which started binding curbside recycling in 1989 beneath a accompaniment order, prefers that New Yorkers accord their bead containers to the burghal curbside program, but understands that they adeptness not appetite to.
“D.S.N.Y. is accomplished with association accession redeemable containers,” a backer for the city’s Department of Sanitation said: “We do not argue association who do this to accomplish ends meet.”
The amplification would awning 1.3 billion containers a year. It would additionally let New York City’s recycling processor accession its rates.
Which is absolutely why the burghal opposes it.
“The added of that that gets taken abroad from borough collection, the added that the city’s acreage tax owners are activity to acquire to pay for,” the city’s sanitation commissioner, Kathryn Garcia, told accompaniment assembly at a audition in October.
“We don’t appetite the canteen and all the added crap,” she added. “We appetite the acceptable stuff, we appetite the metal and the acceptable plastics.”
The cooler industry, which bears the amount of affairs aback adored containers, additionally resists the expansion. Alike the Natural Resources Defense Council wrote that it would “punch a aperture in the bread-and-butter archetypal of curbside recycling.”
The cooler industry and some assembly additionally argue that there is all-encompassing artifice in the accretion business.
The state’s absorption in accretion the bead law is not absolutely environmental. For every bead alembic that is not redeemed, the accompaniment seizes 4 cents of the bearding 5-cent deposit. The accompaniment already rakes in $100 actor a year this way and would accomplish abounding millions added if the law were expanded.
At Sure We Can, the accretion centermost in Brooklyn, Ms. Martinez de Luco acclaimed that a nickel is not account what it was in 1982 (it now takes 13 cents to buy what a nickel bought then).
She said that action to accretion the canteen bill reminded her of the biblical account of Lazarus, the beggar who is beatific abroad athirst from the affluent man’s feast.
“We’ve accomplished the point breadth alike the debris of the table we can’t take,” she said.
In the wee hours of a Wednesday aftermost month, two dozen men and women, all of them Chinese immigrants, formed burdened arcade carts bottomward to the concrete-and-stone basement of the Manhattan Arch on the binding of Chinatown. At the curb, they tallied and sorted their cans and bottles and cacographic invoices on agenda debris or cardboard plates.
They were cat-and-mouse for Danny Farias, who has formed the Manhattan Arch stop for two years and occasionally fended off battling truckers. “This is my spot,” said Mr. Farias, 55. “This is how I put aliment on my table.”
Mr. Farias accustomed anon afterwards 3 a.m. He had aloof appear from Wall Street. Afterwards this he had to bead his barter at Mainstream Recycling in Brooklyn, aces up an abandoned one and drive it to the Bronx.
Mr. Farias has an astonishing adeptness to eyeball a bag and see if it is abbreviate 10 containers. He advised the appurtenances presented by a man in his 70s, rechecked the man’s invoice, again aback opened the bag and pulled out two ample bottles that were authoritative the bag attending added full.
“You can’t do that,” Mr. Farias said, and handed the man a abate sum. The canner absolved abroad with his easily in his pockets and his arch down. Mr. Farias said that canners acquire been accepted to pad their counts with ketchup bottles, soy booze bottles, anything.
Just afore dawn, as Mr. Farias was about to cycle away, a awkward echoed beneath the bridge. A woman appeared affairs ropes absorbed to a arcade wagon accumulated aerial with bundles. In advanced of her, she pushed a abate barrow of canteen bottles.
“She’s consistently late,” Mr. Farias said.
The woman, Lin Meixian, 52, had taken the alms from her home in Queens and had best up cans from the basement of a baby auberge in Chinatown breadth she formed as a custodian.
Mr. Farias could not wait. He abiding for addition truck, but it would not admission for two hours.
Ms. Lin sat on a milk crate. She talked in Mandarin about the difficulties in her life. She had never abstruse to read, which fabricated it adamantine to acquisition a job. Her bedmate afresh had academician anaplasty and can no best assignment at restaurants.

She accepted $90 from this haul, which represented three nights’ work.
Eventually the additional barter accustomed and bought Ms. Lin’s cans. As she ashamed her way up Pike Street, her thoughts angry to her husband, and tears welled in her eyes.
She said things had gotten so adamantine that her mother-in-law in China was sending her money — the immigrant dream in reverse. She was grateful, but afraid about accouterment for her family.
“I never thought,” she said, “that in America I would be accomplishing this affectionate of work.”
Canning works out best for veterans like Rosa who acquire fabricated absolute arrange with careful workers at buildings. She put her 19-year-old babe through medical-assistant academy on her canning wages. That Friday black aftermost month, she went home with $135 for bristles hours’ labor.
It is broadly believed that canners pay porters for admission to a building’s recycling, but Rosa and a half-dozen added canners said that they never paid anything.
Raymond Whitley, 75, a longtime Upper East Side canner, said that payments acclimated to be commonplace and included “sexual favors, the accomplished nine yards.”
Mr. Whitley, in semiretirement, commutes from his home abreast Kennedy Airport in Queens to aggregate from his three approved barrio on Fridays. They net him about $70 account of cans, which he sells to a canner alleged Marie for $65 rather than delay for the truck. “The barter adeptness appear at 6:30. It adeptness appear at 7,” Mr. Whitley said. “So I don’t booty the chance.”
When a canner is alive a pile, it is advised bad anatomy for addition to bend in. Most canners chase an accepted cipher to account anniversary other’s routes, said Dionisia Rivera, a 42-year-old canner from Mexico who has formed the Upper East Side for 10 years.
But sometimes thieves dive in.
One black aftermost month, a alpine man beyond 86th Artery authoritative off with a bag of cans that Rosa had collected. She tore afterwards him and bent him afore he got to the curb.
“Give me my bag!” she screamed and affective assimilate it.
“It’s mine!” he yelled back. He threw a leg over the bag and approved to accept Rosa away. He had at atomic bisected a bottom and conceivably 75 pounds on her, but she would not let go. A loud antagonism ensued. Passers-by affected not to notice.
Finally Rosa gave one aciculate draw and the bag flew accessible and 200 cans and bottles clattered into the street.
The man stalked off, cursing her over his shoulder.
Shaking, Rosa awash the containers aback in the bag. Again she hustled off about the bend to the cans she’d larboard unguarded.
Jeffrey E. Singer, a longtime contributor to The New York Times and a chatty Mandarin speaker, appear on the acquisition of canners beneath the Manhattan Bridge.
Jo Corona and Sean Piccoli additionally contributed reporting.
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