Secretary of Accompaniment Mike Pompeo absolutely abhorrent Iran for the afterlife of an American architect in a attenuate conference at Mar-a-Lago on Sunday. | Evan Vucci/AP Photo

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OVER THE WEEKEND, the U.S. aggressive launched airstrikes in Iraq in acknowledgment to rocket attacks that dead a U.S. architect and blood-soaked four American soldiers. The target: Ketaib Hezbollah, an Iraqi militia angry to Iran. Today, the group’s ambassador is admonishing of a “very tough” response. Given the across of Iran’s proxy armament in Iraq, it’s a blackmail the U.S. is demography seriously.

The strikes didn’t accomplish the avant-garde pages of best affidavit this morning, but the Trump administering saw the force of the moment and gave a attenuate amateur conference on Sunday to reporters camped out at Mar-a-Lago -- featuring Secretary of Accompaniment Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley.

Pompeo absolutely abhorrent Iran for the American contractor’s death, and issued a warning: “Today what we did is booty a absolute acknowledgment that makes bright what Admiral Trump has said for months and months and months, which is that we will not angle for the Islamic Republic of Iran to booty accomplishments that put American men and women in jeopardy. We will consistently annual that allegation to booty absolute accomplishments aback that takes place.” (h/t the Daily Mail’s David Martosko for the transcription.)

THIS INCIDENT will anon be forgotten, absent in the agitate of attack news, allegation angry and White House folderol. But there are still bags of U.S. troops, contractors and added cadre in Iraq and about the arena -- and they’re acceptable accessible to attacks by Iran’s allies. It’s not adamantine to brainstorm a book in which Tehran, ashamed by sanctions and activity the calefaction of a beef movement aback home, gambles that an ancient Middle East altercation ability advice breach its isolation.

SHOULD THAT HAPPEN, not alone would U.S. armament face new dangers, but the Middle East would additionally anon rocket to the top of the political calendar in Washington and on the attack trail. Admiral DONALD TRUMP would face the best of whether to amplify or calm the situation. He ability annual from the accepted commander-in-chief’s halo, unless and until things were to go badly. And Democrats would chase to admonish voters of what happened the aftermost time the U.S. got into a cutting war in the desert.

WE’RE ALREADY SEEING how Iraq could aching JOE BIDEN in the 2020 Democratic primary, with PETE BUTTIGIEG ripping the above abettor and carnality admiral for his vote to accredit the additional Gulf War. But voters ability adjudge they appetite an accomplished brace of easily in the Oval Office, rather than addition abstinent on the all-embracing stage.

SAD NEWS ON CAPITOL HILL -- “Rep. John Lewis aggressive Date 4 pancreatic cancer,” by Rishika Dugyala and John Bresnahan: “Rep. John Lewis said on Sunday that he is adversity from Date 4 pancreatic blight and will abide treatment, admitting he diplomacy to accumulate confined his district.

“Doctors apparent the Georgia Democrat’s action in a accepted December medical appointment and consecutive tests. The analysis has been reconfirmed, Lewis said in a statement.

“‘I accept been in some affectionate of action — for freedom, equality, basal animal rights — for about my absolute life,’ he said. “I accept never faced a action absolutely like the one I accept now.”

“Lewis said that he is ‘clear-eyed’ about the prognosis, but that his doctors accept contempo medical advances accept fabricated this blazon of blight treatable. Lewis said has ‘a angry chance’ and will acknowledgment to Congress in the advancing canicule to get aback to assignment — admitting the Georgia Democrat said he ability absence a few votes.” POLITICO

A bulletin from The U.S. Chamber of Commerce:

The House of Representatives anesthetized adverse legislation, H.R. 3, that imposes government set amount controls on decree drugs. This legislation could annihilate over 700k American jobs. Tell Congress: You don't accept to abort American jobs to lower biologic costs. Learn more.

BEYOND THE BELTWAY ... ALLY MUTNICK: “Mark Meadows accused of timing retirement to advice accept wife’s friend”: “Rep. Mark Meadows' shock retirement — appear aloof 30 hours afore the filing borderline in North Carolina — has confused some Republicans in the accompaniment who doubtable he timed his advertisement to annual a acquaintance of his wife.

“The four-term abettor will abandon the House for an as-yet-undefined role with Admiral Donald Trump, a adaptation he appear in an annual with POLITICO Playbook that appear about 5:30 a.m. on Dec. 19, avant-garde of the filing borderline at apex on Dec. 20.

“Later that day came a attack barrage by Lynda Bennett, a bounded GOP activist and absolute acreage abettor who is affable with Debbie Meadows, the congressman's wife, according to sources who apperceive both women. Wary Republicans in the accompaniment bound speculated that she had beforehand apprehension of Meadows' retirement.” POLITICO

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NYT, A1 … A STORY LIZ W. WILL LOVE: “How Big Companies Won New Tax Breaks From the Trump Administration,” by Jesse Drucker and Jim Tankersley: “[N]ot continued afterwards the bill became law in December 2017, the Trump administering began transforming the tax amalgamation into a greater asset for the world’s better corporations and their shareholders. The tax bills of abounding big companies accept concluded up alike abate than what was advancing aback the admiral active the bill.

“One aftereffect is that the federal government may aggregate hundreds of billions of dollars beneath over the advancing decade than ahead projected. The annual arrears has jumped added than 50 percent back Mr. Trump took appointment and is accepted to top $1 abundance in 2020, partly as a aftereffect of the tax law.” NYT

Happy Monday. Blake Hounshell here, bushing in for Jake and Anna for the abutting few days.

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2020 WATCH ...

-- FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: Galia Slayen is abutting Mike Bloomberg’s attack as civic spokeswoman. She ahead formed for Steve Bullock’s campaign.

-- AND A CHRIS CADELAGO SCOOPLET: “Bloomberg attack moves address to Times Square”

-- WAPO’S ROBERT COSTA in Des Moines: “Bernie Sanders warns adjoin religious bigotry hours afterwards Hasidic Jews are stabbed in N.Y.”: “Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who had ancestors dead by Nazis during the Holocaust, responded Sunday to the latest adventure of anti-Semitic alarm by cutting a kippah and appropriation a blowtorch to ablaze a accessible menorah on the final night of Hanukkah.

“And beneath than 24 hours afterwards an burglar stabbed bristles Hasidic Jews at a rabbi’s home in New York, the Democratic presidential applicant delivered an burning accent on a frigid black in Des Moines, aspersing contempo attacks adjoin Jews and added minorities.

“‘We’re seeing bodies actuality stabbed bygone in New York City because they were Jewish,’ Sanders said, calling the advance allotment of an alarming acceleration in anti-Semitism, in the United States and globally.” WaPo

-- “Hecklers derail Biden New Hampshire attack event,” by Fox News’ Yael Halon

-- “Buttigieg critiques Biden’s ‘judgment’ on Iraq War vote,” by AP’s Tom Beaumont in Knoxville, Iowa

-- @AndrewYang: “Hearing I’m a lot of people’s 2nd choice. This is absolutely a huge footfall against acceptable a lot of people’s 1st choice.”

A bulletin from The U.S. Chamber of Commerce:

How to Be a Lawyer Without Going to Law School

The House voted for a bill that could annihilate over 700k American jobs. Congress: Don’t abort American jobs to lower biologic costs. Learn more.

TRUMP’S MONDAY: The admiral has annihilation on his accessible schedule.

PHOTO DU JOUR: Association associates bless the accession of a new Torah abreast the rabbi's abode in Monsey, N.Y. a day afterwards a knife-wielding man stabbed assorted bodies as they acclaimed Hanukkah in the Orthodox Jewish community. | Craig Ruttle/AP Photo

DAILY RUDY -- “Trump’s advocate and the Venezuelan president: How Giuliani got complex in back-channel talks with Maduro,” by WaPo’s Rosalind S. Helderman, Tom Hamburger, Anthony Faiola and Josh Dawsey: “The all-embracing alarm came in September 2018, afterwards months of ascent astriction amid the United States and Venezuela, a key cardinal amateur in South America.

“On one end of the band was Venezuela’s left-wing president, the abomination baton of a abolition abridgement whom Admiral Trump’s administering was gluttonous to isolate.

“On the added end: the U.S. president’s claimed advocate Rudolph W. Giuliani and then-Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Tex.).

“Both were allotment of a adumbration adept effort, backed in allotment by clandestine interests, aimed at engineering a adjourned avenue to affluence Admiral Nicolás Maduro from ability and reopen resource-rich Venezuela to business, according to bodies accustomed with the endeavor.”

-- DANIEL LIPPMAN and TINA NGUYEN: “When John Solomon was Rudy Giuliani's toughest critic”: “Long afore they entered a accommodating accord to aces afar the Bidens’ declared ties to Ukrainian corruption, John Solomon and Rudy Giuliani had a absolutely altered dynamic: an analytic anchorman focused on apprehension Giuliani’s abeyant corruption, block afterwards a presidential applicant whose attack was black at his muckraking in Rudy-world.

“As the civic analytic contributor for the Washington Post, area he was assassin in aboriginal 2007, Solomon’s byline graced the top of assorted analytical belief about Giuliani, who was again advancing a presidential bid on the backbone of his acceptability as a crime-fighting ambassador who adequate a afflicted New York City afterwards the 9/11 attacks.”

-- OVERLOOKED? … PAUL REID ON CBS’ “FACE THE NATION” SUNDAY: “I adumbrate that the president's claimed attorney, Rudy Giuliani, will be answerable by the Justice Department. We apperceive that they are currently reviewing his finances. It's not that adamantine to run afield of adopted lobbying requirements. And Giuliani has told me he denies that he's burst any laws. But he additionally tells me that Bill Barr would never allegation me. But that absolutely flies in the face of what Bill Barr has said publicly.” Transcript (h/t NYT’s Maggie Haberman)

A bulletin from The U.S. Chamber of Commerce:

The House voted for a bill that could annihilate over 700k American jobs. Learn more.

TICK TOCK -- “Behind the Ukraine Aid Freeze: 84 Canicule of Conflict and Confusion,” by NYT’s Eric Lipton, Maggie Haberman and Mark Mazzetti: “Interviews with dozens of accepted and above administering officials, aldermanic aides and others, ahead bearding emails and documents, and a abutting annual of bags of pages of allegation affidavit accommodate the best complete annual yet of the 84 canicule from aback Mr. Trump aboriginal inquired about the money to his adaptation in September to relent.

“What emerges is the adventure of how Mr. Trump’s demands beatific shock after-effects through the White House and the Pentagon, created abysmal rifts aural the arch ranks of his administration, larboard key aides like Mr. Mulvaney beneath accumulative analysis — and concluded alone afterwards Mr. Trump abstruse of a anathema whistle-blower address and came beneath burden from affecting Republican lawmakers.” NYT

-- WHAT’S NEW HERE: Figuring out absolutely how the abettor benumb went bottomward -- and whether it was ordered for abnormal affidavit -- has been a top ambition of every newsroom in Washington for months. The Times was able to accumulate new details, from the realtime reactions of abashed admiral to ahead unreported acknowledged arguments of the Appointment of Management and Budget.

Perhaps the best notable adumbration is this one, though: “In backward August, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper abutting Secretary of Accompaniment Mike Pompeo and John R. Bolton, the civic aegis adviser at the time, for a ahead bearding Oval Appointment affair with the admiral area they approved but bootless to altercate him that absolution the aid was in [the] interests of the United States.”

CLICKER -- “The Worst Political Predictions of 2019,” by POLITICO Mag’s Zack Stanton

MEDIAWATCH -- The New York Times issued a diffuse alteration on a contempo cavalcade by Bret Stephens: “An beforehand adaptation of this Bret Stephens cavalcade quoted statistics from a 2005 cardboard that avant-garde a abiogenetic antecedent for the base of intelligence amid Ashkenazi Jews. Afterwards advertisement Mr. Stephens and his editors abstruse that one of the paper’s authors, who died in 2016, answer racist views.

“Mr. Stephens was not acknowledging the abstraction or its authors’ views, but it was a aberration to adduce it uncritically. The aftereffect was to leave an consequence with abounding readers that Mr. Stephens was arguing that Jews are genetically superior. That was not his intent. He went on instead to altercate that ability and history are acute factors in Jewish achievements and that, as he put it, ‘At its best, the West can annual the assumption of racial, religious and indigenous pluralism not as a acquisitive adaptation to strangers but as an affirmation of its own assorted identity. In that sense, what makes Jews appropriate is that they aren’t. They are representational.’ We accept removed advertence to the abstraction from the column.”

Send tips to Eli Okun and Garrett Ross at

SPOTTED: Jason Miller with his wife and two kids on a JetBlue flight from DCA to Palm Beach on Sunday afternoon. … Norah O’Donnell and her ancestors activity through aegis at Dulles on Saturday morning.

ENGAGED -- Wesley Dietrich, an accessory at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, and Sopan Deb, a anchorman at NYT, a CBS 2016 alum and columnist of “Missed Translations” ($25.19 on Amazon), got affianced on Christmas Day. Pool report: “He was hit by a car beforehand this ages and bankrupt his leg, so we were at home aloof the two of us. But he still managed to get bottomward on one knee! We met affectionate of on Twitter and affectionate of through Liz Kreutz, who was additionally an bury in 2016 and is a abutting acquaintance of abundance from college.” Instapic

-- Madeline Fry, a ability annotation biographer for the Washington Examiner, and Michael Schultz, an MA Fellow at the Mercatus Center, afresh got affianced in avant-garde of a bronze of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in Paris. Pic

-- Hayley Miller, accessory ambassador for agenda and amusing media at Animal Rights Campaign, and Jackson Brown, area sales rep for CANarchy, afresh got engaged. The brace met at AU, and Brown proposed at their home in D.C. Instapic

WELCOME TO THE WORLD -- Alex Altman, abettor managing editor and agent Washington agency arch at Time, and Molly Altman, a arch communications ambassador at the UN Foundation, afresh accustomed Noah James Altman. Pic

BIRTHWEEK (was Sunday): NYT’s Katie Rogers

BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Matt Latimer, accomplice at Javelin. A fun actuality about him: “I like to draw, and aback I was abundant adolescent I was on a bang of cartoon presidential portraits, which I beatific to assorted above presidents and asked them to sign. Youthful arrogance. Anyway, two absolutely replied: Ford, who attentive active and alternate it, and Carter, who (not so kindly) did not.” Playbook Q&A

BIRTHDAYS: Secretary of Accompaniment Mike Pompeo is 56 … Sean Hannity is 58 … Tammy Haddad … Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.) is 59 … Meredith Vieira is 66 … above Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson, now admiral of the University of Texas at El Paso, is 59 … Lauren Claffey, managing ambassador at Hamilton Abode Strategies … Reed Dickens … Susan Kellam … Jack Deschauer is 69 … POLITICO’s Jennifer Scholtes … Nick Schmit is 39 … Hari Sevugan, agent attack ambassador for Pete Buttigieg … Morgan Stanley’s Brendan Corrigan … Philippa Martinez-Berrier … Kevin Smith … DNC’s Heather Reid … Hanna Hope, attack ambassador for Zahra Karinshak’s aldermanic attack (h/t Jon Haber) … Heather Cronk … Jill Jorgensen … Leif Babin … Marcia Kramer of WCBS … Michael McLaughlin …

… Bill Thorne, SVP for communications and accessible diplomacy at the Civic Retail Federation … Jim Billimoria, accessory ambassador for the SBA’s Appointment of Communications and Accessible Liaison … filmmaker Michael Rekola … above Rep. Marty Meehan (D-Mass.), now admiral of the University of Massachusetts, is 63 … Jud Lounsbury … Katie Hays … Shannon Gilson of American Airlines … Justin Thomas Russell … Natalie Kennedy … Daniel Scarpinato, COS for Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey … Pat Bell … Maria Elena Salinas … Kana Ervin … Kelly Curran … Caroline Little … Noelle Straub … Bob Cochran is 63 … Jason Berkenfeld … Amy Young (h/t Teresa Vilmain) … Udai Rohatgi … Annabelle Cheney

A bulletin from The U.S. Chamber of Commerce:

Trump blurs lines between personal lawyer, attorney general

The House of Representatives anesthetized adverse legislation, H.R. 3, that imposes government set amount controls on decree drugs. This legislation could annihilate over 700k American jobs, abate spending on cutting-edge medical research, and abnormally appulse our world-class economy. Tell Congress: You don't accept to abort American jobs to lower biologic costs. Learn more.

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