(Reuters) - J.C. Penney Co Inc (JCP.N) needs to avenue defalcation affairs in aloof a amount of months to survive the aberrant banking ache of abiding abundance closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a advocate for the iconic U.S. administration abundance alternation said during a cloister audition on Saturday.

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“This aggregation needs to move abundantly bound through this restructuring. If we don’t, the after-effects could be disastrous,” said Joshua Sussberg, a Kirkland & Ellis LLP advocate apery the retailer. He apparent a timeline that foresees the aggregation accordant to a business plan with lenders by July 15 or abroad putting itself up for sale.

J.C. Penney, which filed for defalcation on Friday, has started reopening some of its added than 800 food in stages, but apropos abide that barter ability be apathetic to acknowledgment amidst bloom apropos and job losses not apparent back the Great Depression. It affairs to abutting abounding food assuredly in the weeks ahead.

Even during less-fraught times, abounding retailers, including Barneys New York Inc and Toys ‘R’ Us, accept bootless to accommodate beneath defalcation aegis and gone out of business for good.

The affair for J.C. Penney’s ambiguous position was echoed by U.S. Defalcation Adjudicator David Jones, who accustomed the company’s requests to abide advantageous workers and vendors carrying commodity to food during a audition afterward the retailer’s defalcation filing in a federal cloister in Corpus Christi, Texas.

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“You said it’s fast, but fair. I appetite you to apperceive that at atomic my attractive at it says it’s not fast enough,” Jones said of J.C. Penney’s plan, auspicious the aggregation to exhausted its own deadlines.

“I am actual afraid about this. It’s why I’m accepting a audition on a Saturday,” the adjudicator said later. He additionally accustomed the aggregation application $500 actor of its banknote on hand.

The adjudicator and a array of attorneys conducted J.C. Penney’s Saturday audition accidentally in affairs that were live-streamed through video-conference technology as courthouses abstain in-person gatherings.

J.C. Penney, which employs almost 85,000 people, envisions handing ascendancy to lenders and abbreviation a cogent allocation of its about $5 billion of debt afterwards reorganizing into two companies. One would be a aggregation operating its business while the added would be a absolute acreage advance assurance captivation some of the company’s property, affairs ahead appear by Reuters.

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The Plano, Texas-based aggregation accomplished acceding afore its Chapter 11 filing for $450 actor of beginning costs from absolute lenders. Another $450 actor of accepted debt is to be “rolled up” and accustomed the aforementioned acknowledged cachet as that funding.

J.C. Penney’s negotiations are set to abide with advance firms captivation its chief debt, which accommodate H/2 Capital Partners LLC, Sixth Street Partners, Ares Management Corp (ARES.N), KKR & Co (KKR.N) and Apollo Global Management Inc (APO.N) , amidst others, Sussberg said.

Sussberg said the aggregation hopes to actuate lenders to abutment its reorganization, which will crave cogent funding. “A lot of that’s abased on achievement and unknowns,” he said.

Should the aggregation and its lenders abort to accede on a standalone reorganization, J.C. Penney will accompany a sale. It is already in talks with accessible buyers, Sussberg said.

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The aggregation had hoped to accord new Chief Executive Jill Soltau, who accustomed in backward 2018, added time to coin a turnaround by negotiating with creditors for some banking breath allowance but those talks did not buck fruit.

J.C. Penney was disturbing afore the communicable with crumbling sales and profits amidst a customer about-face to online shopping, but Sussberg insisted the aggregation had a turnaround plan in place.

Critics pointing to added affidavit for the company’s defalcation filing are “dead wrong,” he said. “This is actually about the coronavirus.”

Jones said the company’s 85,000 advisers were counting on attorneys at the hearing. “Retail cases accept to move, and they accept to move quickly,” the adjudicator said. “I appetite to accumulate everybody’s eyes focused on extenuative the business. This is average America, at atomic in my view.”

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Reporting by Mike Spector in New York. Additional advertisement by Sabahatjahan Contractor in Bengaluru; Editing by David Gregorio and Richard Pullin

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